PRINTED BOOK VERSION Winter Herbal Remedies Course - 12 lessons (SPIRAL BOUND BOOK)
Winter Herbal Remedies Course - 12 lessons
Now our popular introductory level 12 week Winter Herbal Remedies course is available as a printed spiral bound book! If you prefer to learn offline, with a beautiful full-colour book of recipes and lesson pages at your side, this is a great option for you!
This course book follows our 12 week lessons, and helps you to fill your herbal apothecary shelf with your own homemade remedies! Feel confident making 12 different herbal preparations, with detailed instruction and guidance during each lesson.
The course consists of 200+ pages of information, recipes and photos, and a weekly lesson quiz with answer key!
Each lesson includes:
- individual plant profiles
- plant constituents, energetics, actions
- herbal folklore & history of use
- plant uses/interactions/cautions
- starting herb seedlings
- growing & harvesting tips
- detailed instruction for recipes to try at home
- one herbal preparation method per week
- suggestions on where to source ingredients & supplies
- weekly lesson quiz with answer key
Each lesson focuses on one plant as well as one herbal preparation method, and encourages you to try out at least a few of these recipes to build your herbal medicine cabinet over the winter months! These remedies are wonderful for winter health, but of course can be used all year round. The herbal methods we will cover are applicable to be used with many other herbs throughout all seasons. We will include instructions for where to source the best quality herbs for these winter projects.
We will be covering 12 plants that can be locally grown (and/or wild-harvested), so you can grow or source these plants for your own garden if you want to continue this herbal learning journey!
Each week we will have opportunity for email questions to instructor Karin Kliewer (community herbalist).
We will focus on:
1) Rosehip - Making herbal infusions
2) Astragalus - Making herbal decoctions
3) Elderberry - Making herbal syrups
4) Cedar - Making botanical facial steams
5) Thyme - Making herbal honeys
6) Yarrow - Making herbal tinctures
7) Bee Balm - Making herbal oxymels
8) Echinacea - Making herbal glycerites
9) Cayenne - Making herbal vinegars
10) Sage - Making herbal throat sprays
11) Reishi - Making herbal soups/broths
12) Marshmallow - Making herbal pastilles/electuaries
Although this course is geared toward adults, this is also a great project to take on with homeschooled kids, middle school, or teens, as a fun home-learning project.
Work at your own pace, take this course anytime!
About the instructor:
Karin Kliewer is a community herbalist, having worked with local medicinal herbs on a first-hand basis for 20 years. She is a lifelong student of herbalism, and has finished herbal certifications with Sage Mountain, Dominion Herbal College, and Chestnut Herb School, as well as attended many other herbal workshops and conferences. She tends a wide variety of medicinal herbs from grown from seed & cuttings, and enjoys wild-harvesting many favourite medicinals in nearby farmsites, meadows and woodlands. Karin has taught many hands-on workshops and most enjoys when her teaching can empower people to build a personal relationship with healing plants and bring them into everyday use.