- Herbs - Mullein
Herbs - Mullein
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
A wooly-leafed biennial plant (the first year the plant makes a large basal rosette of large wooly leaves; the second spring the plant grows a tall flowering stalk). The flowering stalk can grow up to 2 metres tall.
Grows best in sandy soil, with part shade to sun.
Culinary Uses
Although the leaves and flowers are edible, it is not common to eat them. It is much preferable to make a cup of tea from the leaves.
Medicinal Uses
Traditionally mullein leaves have been used for sore throats and respiratory ailments such as coughs and bronchitis. The yellow flowers can be steeped in oil and used for minor ear aches.
Organically grown, with certified organic seeds and organic soil. Comes in a compostable pot.
Curbside pick-up at Little City Farm. We will email you with pick-up dates.