At this turn of the season where we head toward colder weather, I always make a huge batch of “fire cider” for our family. We recently held a fire cider workshop here to share the making of this folk recipe with others. Fire cider has been made for hundreds of years. It was typically made by infusing “fiery” fall vegetables like garlic, onion, horseradish, hot peppers and ginger root, with apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar draws out the nutrients and medicinal qualities of these ingredients, as well as preserving them. This fire cider is steeped for several weeks in a cool dark cupboard (shaking jar daily), strained, and then has honey added. Fire cider is enjoyed anytime, but especially as a preventative whenever the feeling of a cold or flu is coming on. It can be sipped (1-2 TBSP/day), added to salad dressings, drinks or marinades. Fire cider promotes healthy digestion, boosts the immune system, and increases circulation to help warm up the body on a cold day. INGREDIENTS (Makes 1 litre): 1/2 cup freshly grated ginger root (not peeled) 1/2 cup freshly grated horseradish 1 medium onion, chopped 10 cloves garlic, crushed or chopped 2 jalapeno peppers or other hot peppers, chopped 1 whole orange, chopped 1 whole lemon, chopped organic raw apple cider vinegar (to cover completely) local honey added to taste after fire cider has been strained Optional add-ins: elderberries, rosehips, rosemary, lemon balm, cayenne, turmeric, chaga, reishi, cinnamon, oregano, thyme, sage and any other immune-boosting herbs When I think of special foods they always go along with memories of special people. People who I have lived with and cooked with, shared meals with on festive or every-day occasions, or who I learned a particular recipe from.
I learned this favourite recipe for Chili Pickle (a hot pepper-garlic condiment) from my dear friend Taarini, who made it with her mother in India (who probably made it with her mother in India). It is a great way to use up huge amounts of hot peppers and garlic in the fall, and is a very simple method of oil preserving with no canning involved. Now I make a big batch of this chili pickle every single year to preserve my harvest, and always think of my friend. If you have been getting our veggie boxes you will likely have a stockpile of hot peppers by now! Here is a way to use them up. The recipe can be adjusted to size based on how many hot peppers you have available. Taarini’s Chili Pickle 2 kg hot peppers (chilies or jalapenos are best) 6 cups olive oil 8 inches ginger root, grated 48 cloves garlic 4 Tbsp cumin seed 4 Tbsp fenugreek seeds 4 Tbsp mustard seeds (black mustard) 4 cups vinegar (I prefer apple cider vinegar) 4 tsp haldi (turmeric) 4 tsp sea salt 4 Tbsp cane sugar Method: 1) Remove stems and seeds from hot peppers. Grate ginger and peel garlic cloves. 2) Mix all ingredients in a large bowl thoroughly. Then blend in small batches in a food processor. 3) Store in 250 ml jars, filling jars with chili pickle mixture leaving 1 inch headspace. Then top each jar with about 1 inch of olive oil to cover mixture completely and preserve it. 4) Label jars and store in cool cupboard or root cellar. 5) Once opened the jars need to be refrigerated. 6) Serve with rice, on burgers, as a condiment or pickle for charcuterie, etc |